Sunday, February 25, 2007

undestanding what i understood was wrong...!?!!!

its quite amazing to understand that some files work just the opposite wat it was intended once we change the labels...
i was referring to the FTP configuration file, some days back only i got the real usage of the user_list file..

first of all we need to enable FTP service to read the user_list file

userlist_deny=YES # means that the users inside the vsftpd.user_list are denied, which is the default
userlist_deny=NO # means that the users inside the vsftpd.user_list are only allowed to login via FTP

anyways.. nice to understand that even at this later stage...!?!!!

~sreejith anujan....

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

never mkfs an extended partition...!?!!!

i know im on the beginning stages of experience...

and one did happen yday when i tried to mkfs an extended parition... it did try making a filesystem but ended up showing a Segmentation Fault ... and when i reinstalled was gone....

i made a 32 GB extended partition with no logical volumes in it.. it was made as such... and then i tried..

#mke2fs /dev/hda4
it did show me a message... something like its the full harddisk and am i sure abt the filesystem creation...something like that... i simply pressed the 'y' key and proceeded with the process...

and at last.. a Segmentation Fault...

anyways... put the first installation CD and performed an NFS installation...

shell scripting on the process..........

will be out with it soooon..........


Monday, February 19, 2007


configured my pc as a DNS server... leaving me with all kinds of confusions...

i made two zone files... and for the domain

initially moved the named.local and in /var/named to and respectievely... making them symlinks to the files inside /var/named/chroot/var/named

it didnt work out...

then i moved the files into /var/named/chroot/var/named and named them as such... and and it worked kool..

but.. i think /etc/named.conf fils specifies the zone files to be placed inside /var/named directory only.....

i cant understand myself wat exactly is happening....!!!

anyways... will come with the scripting references soon.............


sreejith chrooted

DNS atlast worked fine here in nascent...
did the same thing which i did last week before leaving to blore..
at times linux behaves strangely... indeed strange...

just copied the zone files to /var/named/chroot/var/named and made symlinks to them inside /var/named... exactly wat i did last week...

anyways..its working fine now... and one more thing.........

never use sendmail with IP.... always use hostnames... that wat i think now...



Sunday, February 18, 2007

localhost localdomain

im back....
was at blore...
i know i am not homesick... rather i am trivandrum sick...or am i kerala sick?
blore sucks big time...
yeah u could kill time roaming around... but with the kinda traffic and polution rates... i felt like hell...

unless u are very much interested in female anatomy ...u will lose urself at blore...

and to the matter... im into blogging after a gap...

trying to reestablish as a perseverant student...

want to complete the basics of shell scripting...

will be starting a series on shell scripting frm tomorrow onwards... its just a starting..... everything needs a start... no????
